Mental illness affects most people at some time in their lives. In the 21st century, information technology, the internet, email, and social media, have dramatically changed our work places, homes, and raised individual expectations for rapid answers and solutions; their detrimental emotional impact is often underestimated. Timely responses and solutions to fast-paced, relentless, high-pressure demands, are often not possible nor sustainable. Currently, one in five Australians aged 16-85 is experiencing a mental illness each year. 50% of Australians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime.

The most common mental illnesses in all ages are:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Associated Substance Dependence

In children and teenagers we are seeing the emergence of Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Eating Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia have become relatively less common.

You may be feeling tired, flat and low in energy, or agitated, fidgety or worrying more than usual. You may find it hard to make decisions, overthink simple problems, can’t fall asleep, or your appetite is disrupted or excessive. Whether you think there is an underlying cause or not, a confidential chat with our GP’s who listen quietly, is usually the first step towards finding a solution and starting to feel better again. Not all mental illness requires medication nor hospitalisation. Often psychological advice or a strategy to reorient one’s own insight and thoughts is enough.

All our GP’s are very experienced in treating most mental illness, and onward referral to a specialist is not often necessary. Nevertheless, in extreme cases we have established links to the best mental health experts in Sydney for children, teenagers, and adults, and our focus is always on ensuring you’re safety, well-being, and gradual return to feeling sound, having purpose, and feeling content.

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