General Information

Consultations are by appointment. This helps us manage doctors’ time efficiently and reduce waiting time.

Please let reception staff know your usual doctor so that they can make an appointment with your doctor when you call. If your usual doctor is unavailable on a particular day, we encourage you to see one of our other doctors who is familiar with your medical history. Patients at our practice are allocated 2 long-term doctors, to ensure continuity of care, a high quality comprehensive medical assessment, and so you always have a familiar friendly person to listen to your concerns.

Appointments are usually 15 minutes for a single problem. If you feel you require a longer appointment of 30 or 45 minutes for 2 or more problems or for complex issues, please book a longer appointment with our reception staff when making your appointment.

Urgent & Emergency Care

We try to accommodate patients who become seriously ill – please let us know the urgent nature of your symptoms when you call to make an appointment.

In a life-threatening emergency, please telephone ‘000’ directly, so an ambulance may attend as soon as possible.


Please let us know if your appointment is no longer required so we can offer it to other patients who may be unwell or require urgent review.

Missed appointments may incur a $50 'failure-to-attend' fee, which is not rebateable.

Online Appointment Bookings

Online appointment bookings are available. Please click on the link button on the right of this page or any of our other website pages to make an online appointment.

If there is any change, to this, our receptionist will contact you (as soon as possible by telephone, SMS, or email) to confirm the doctor, time, date, and the length of appointment.

Longer appointments of 30 minutes are required for the following:

  • New patients
  • Annual health checks
  • Pap smears
  • Travel advice & vaccination
  • Mental health care plans
  • Workcover assessments
  • Medical & insurance forms
  • Minor procedures & excisions

For current patients of this practice, it is also possible to book Video Medical Consultations Online. Please read the relevant information for these under the 'Services' tab, before making a booking.

There are 22 free customer parking spaces in our rear car park. From your car space, it's a level 10 metre walk through the arcade to our front door.


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Did you have a good or bad experience? Did we meet your expectations?

Click here to let us know your feedback, so we may respond to you as soon as possible.

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Recalls & Reminders

We send you an SMS via our online system called HotDoc to remind you when a test or service is due. We do this routinely for Pap smears, blood tests, blood pressure reviews, annual health checks and childhood vaccinations.

Please let us know if you change your email or postal address.


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