Children’s Health
Our doctors are very experienced in assessing and treating children’s illness, performing all baby checks from birth, and all childhood immunisations.

Women’s Health
All of our GP’s do pap smears, breast examination, skin cancer checks, and resolve most women’s health queries, including issues of stress, sexual, fertility, or reproductive health.

Men’s Health
Boys and men seek medical advice less frequently than women, and often present late with conditions which require a multidisciplinary approach. Our GP’s treat stress & anxiety, erectile & prostate problems, cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, & skin cancer checks, and order blood tests, ECG, and X-rays for comprehensive reviews.

Managing Chronic Conditions
A chronic condition is any illness that is ongoing and lasts for years. Any age group may be affected, such as with asthma, diabetes, or high blood pressure. A single patient may have multiple chronic conditions. Early intervention or prevention leads to a better quality of life,…longer. We are not born knowing, but ignoring symptoms results in poorer outcomes, irretrievable terminal conditions, and a shorter life span.

Travel Vaccines
Balmoral Medical Practice stocks a full range of travel medicines & vaccinations, and is an accredited Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre. Travellers should book a 30 minute consultation to allow enough time for your GP to provide comprehensive travel medical advice/vaccines/medications for different countries, and issue your international vaccination certificate.

Mental Health
When feeling flat, depressed, anxious, or life, family, and work stress is overwhelming, our GP’s sensitively listen to your thoughts and concerns, and can access different interventions to resolve emotional distress. Like asthma, all mental health illness is treatable, and most conditions can be cured.

Sexual Health
Our doctors sensitively help you discuss the psychology of relationships, your comfort with gender and sexual orientation, as well as physical difficulties or sexually transmitted infections. We obtain all STI screening tests on-site.

Our GP’s are all experienced in minor surgery, including suturing/closing lacerations & skin tears, draining an abscess, local nerve blocks, and excising skin cancers.

Pathology Onsite & Test Results
We have on-site pathology (blood collection) services provided by Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology. ‘DHM’ is open in the mornings at 7.30am Monday to Friday. Pathology tests include all fasting and non-fasting blood tests, urinary and drug screening, ECG, and H-Pylori breath tests.

Telephone & Video Medical Consultations
Best medical diagnosis and treatment occurs with a face-to-face consultation and examination with your usual doctor. However for routine clinical problems or follow-up, and to increase patient access to our specialist GP’s when a visit to the clinic is just not possible, we are the first GP practice in Australia to offer pre-booked video medical consultations online to registered patients of the practice.

Online Medical Services
We offer a fee-based email service for BRIEF medical queries. This service is specifically only for routine non-diagnostic non-urgent advice from your usual doctor. Please state in your email to which doctor you are directing the medical query. Your doctor will respond to the query on a non-urgent basis only when he/she is physically present at work, not treating other patients, and usually within 3 days.

On-Site Pharmacy
Our Urgent Medicines Dispensary service is able to supply most antibiotics, anti-nausea, and migraine medications on-site. This helps our patients with limited mobility or caring for young children.

Scripts & Referrals
A face to face appointment is necessary for most prescriptions and referrals, particularly if it is more than 3 months since your last consultation. This is to ensure optimal patient care with any necessary adjustments to your medication dose, and prevention of complications from either the underlying condition or the medications.

After Hours
For existing registered patients of the practice who live in Mosman, one of our doctors may be available for home visits and in urgent cases for after hours visits before 7pm.